Batang Industrial Park (BIP)_Immobilie zu verkaufen
Batang Industrial Park (BIP)_Immobilie zu verkaufen
Gunungsari, Posong, Tulis, Batang Regency, Central Java,, Batang, 51261, ID

Batang Industrial Park (BIP)


  • An industrial estate developed by Indonesian notable property developer
  • Located in Batang Regency, Central Java Province, 367 km or approximately 4 hours driving from Jakarta CBD
  • Having a close and good access from the Kandeman Toll Gate
  • The estate offers a ready to build land for industrial development


Grundstücksfläche brutto
116,14 Hektar



  • Batang area will become one of the major Industrial City in Indonesia
  • Batang Regency has very competitive minimum wages and land price which makes it attractive for investment
  • Rapid infrastructure development in the region, including toll road, seaport and railways to support the logistics and industrial activities
Batang Industrial Park (BIP) 4_Immobilie zu verkaufen
Batang Industrial Park (BIP) 4_Immobilie zu verkaufen

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16. Mai 2024