0.8 Ha Land for Sale in Jababeka V _판매용 부동산
0.8 Ha Land for Sale in Jababeka V _판매용 부동산
Jl. Jababeka Ⅴ, Bekasi Regency, 17530, ID

0.8 Ha Land for Sale in Jababeka V

자산 설명

The land located inside Jababeka Industrial estate which enjoys facilities, utilities and benefits of being an industrial estate. It has a square land shape with a size of 8,066 sqm. As it is located in the hoek of the road it has dual access to the land.

The land is accessible within 10 minutes from the Cikarang Utara Toll Gate, it provides convenient and easy access to major highways serving industrial corridors in Jabodetabek. It is also close to the Pantura main road, providing alternative options for logistics activity.

It has excellent linkage to the main highways of Jakarta - Cikampek Toll Road heading to the city centre. Furthermore, the newly developed Cibitung – Cilincing Toll Road connects traffic flows to the northern part of Jabodetabek, where all international ports are located.



8,066 제곱미터


투자 하이라이트

  • Vacant land with a rectangular shape
  • The land condition is ready to build
  • Strategic corner land with 2 potential access from the main road
  • Competitive offering price
  • 10 minutes from the nearest toll gate of North Cikarang (Jakarta – Cikampek Toll Road)

0.8 Ha Land for Sale in Jababeka V  4_판매용 부동산
0.8 Ha Land for Sale in Jababeka V  4_판매용 부동산

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0.8 Ha Land for Sale in Jababeka V (0 부동산)

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2024년 3월 5일