3000 Weslayan _판매용 부동산
3000 Weslayan _판매용 부동산
3000 Weslayan St, Houston, TX, 77027-5700, US

3000 Weslayan

자산 설명

A 78.02% leased, 81,505 SF office building situated on a premier 2.047-acre site located at the lively intersection of Weslayan St and W Alabama in Houston, Texas.



토지 총면적
0.83 헥타르


투자 하이라이트

  • Potential future development within core infill Houston
  • Value-add opportunity through lease-up
  • Significant capital improvements
  • Premier access and visibility
  • Surrounded by a growing population and flourishing community
  • Irreplaceable location nestled within Houston's most prominent neighborhoods
  • Situated between two of Houston's most prominent business districts
  • Centered within Houston's premier retail corridor

담당자에게 연락하기

3000 Weslayan (0 부동산)

비슷한 부동산

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2024년 5월 16일