The Oaks at Grand West _판매용 부동산
The Oaks at Grand West _판매용 부동산
10415 Lancaster Frst Ln, Houston, TX, 77051, US

The Oaks at Grand West

자산 설명

The Oaks at Grand West is an exceptional newly constructed 147-home community, strategically located in close proximity to the Texas Medical Center. Situated within a 15-minute drive from the renowned Texas Medical Center, Downtown Houston, and NRG Park, this property is perfectly positioned for convenience and accessibility. The property is perfectly positioned for convenience and accessibility, sitting just off Highway 288 with visibility to a substantial daily traffic volume of over 15,000 cars. With limited comparable options available in the surrounding area, The Oaks at Grand West stands out as a distinct and highly desirable community.



단위 수
건물 면적 순
26,660 제곱미터
6.74 헥타르
건물 등급
Class A


투자 하이라이트

  • Proximate to Houston's Biggest Employment Centers
  • Less than 15 minute drive from Downtown Houston, Museum District, Medical Center, NRG Park, and Hobby Airport
  • Premier Location with Surrounding Demand Drivers 
  • First Mover Advantage in an Untapped SFR Market
  • Limited Nearby Supply Pipeline
  • Best-In-Class, Institutional Quality Construction
The Oaks at Grand West  4_판매용 부동산
The Oaks at Grand West  4_판매용 부동산

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2025년 1월 15일