Seastar_판매용 부동산
Seastar_판매용 부동산
Alvsjo Angsvag 2-6, Stockholm, 125 43, SE


자산 설명

The property is located in Älvsjö, c. 10 km south of central Stockholm, with great highway access and right next to the commuter train station Älvsjö. All commuter train lines pass the station, and the journey takes just ten minutes to Stockholm C. The location provides a dense catchment where c. 350,000 people can be reached within ten minutes by car.

Flexible building consisting of three connected buildings with a total lettable area of 27,271 sq m which is mainly used for retail, data centre, wholesale, office and self-storage. The property also has a generous parking lot as well ample space for driving and docking delivery trucks. 



건물 면적 순
27,436 제곱미터
토지 총면적
3.19 헥타르


투자 하이라이트

  • Strategic micro location
  • Flexible building
  • Attractive tenant mix
  • Strongly performing convenience offering 
  • Residential development potential
  • Asset management potential

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2024년 5월 16일