Bulk Sale Condominum in Khao Yai_Pand te koop
Bulk Sale Condominum in Khao Yai_Pand te koop
Pansuk-Kudkla Road, Nakorn Ratchasima, 30320, TH

Bulk Sale Condominum in Khao Yai


JLL is pleased to present this investment opportunity to the marketplace.

Aria Pura (Pure Air) is a luxury condominium development including 27 completed condominium set in the lush landscape of Khao Yai, Thailand.


  • 9 units of one-bedroom units average 82 sqm.
  • 4 units of two-bedroom units average 123 sqm.
  • 1 units of three-bedroom units average 143 sqm.



Netto gebouwoppervlakte
1.639 vierkante meter



  • Bulk sale 14-units
  • Just 150 kilometers from Bangkok
  • The perfect place to relax
  • All 8 “Garden Units” fully furnished and ready to move-in 

Bulk Sale Condominum in Khao Yai 4_Pand te koop
Bulk Sale Condominum in Khao Yai 4_Pand te koop

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Laatst bijgewerkt
31 okt 2023