River East Center
1515 SE Water Ave, Portland, OR 97214
9,290 m²
Palmer Center represents the Best-in-Class office complex in Downtown Colorado Springs, a single digit vacancy Central Business District, and has served as the city’s premier office destination for tenants. The offering is a generational opportunity to own the top asset in a market that has a 92% return to-office metric and an expanding population base that is forecasted to outpace Denver by 2050. Palmer Center also is the only office asset in the Downtown market to offer on-site servicing retail and a dedicated covered parking garage (1,647 spaces offering a ratio of 3:1,000 SF).
Colorado Springs is a top 10 performing large city according to Milken Institute given its high-growth industries, such as aerospace, defense, cybersecurity, chip manufacturing, and tech.
Palmer Center's 459,500 SF anchors the Colorado Springs Central Business District, representing 9% of the total office space. This market is fundamentally strong with current vacancy at 8.2% and average asking lease rates at $26.88 with Class A rents averaging $33.23 Full-Service Gross. At 78.2% leased, Palmer Center is dislocated to its historical occupancy as well as the broader CBD market indicating an opportunity to capture value-add returns in a core asset.
Leasing demand comes from a wide range of industries. The city is anchored by five military installations in a state that boasts the 2nd largest space economy in the United States. Colorado Springs has and will continue to attract new companies and high performing talent.