Saint Joseph's University, University City Campus_待售物业
Saint Joseph's University, University City Campus_待售物业
Philadelphia, PA, US, Americas

Saint Joseph's University, University City Campus


Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. (“JLL”), has been retained on an exclusive basis to arrange the sale of Osol Hall, East Building, 47th & Woodland, 4140 Woodland, and Triangle Park (the “Properties” or the “Offerings”). The Offerings are part of twenty buildings and four lots previously included on Saint Joseph’s University, University City Campus and are being offered on an individual basis.



14,771 平方米
Saint Joseph's University, University City Campus (5个物业)
Saint Joseph's University, University City Campus (5个物业)



Osol Hall

A 6-story former residence hall located on South 42nd Street, two blocks north of the main campus. Osol Hall contains 23 suite-style apartments (22 - 4BR/2BA, 1 - 2BR/1BA). Common areas are located on the south end of the first floor and in the basement. The Property also features a private parking lot behind the building.


East Building

A 2-story former administration building which housed the offices for the Department of Humanities. East Building was constructed in 1900 and most recently renovated in 2006. The Property sits on a 2,838 square foot lot and features frontage along both Woodland Avenue and 42nd Street


47th & Woodland

47th & Woodland is a 58,370 square foot lot located at the south end of Saint Joseph’s University, University City Campus and features 224 feet of frontage along 47th Street. The lot had previously been used as a parking lot, garden, and park by the University, but has since been vacated.


4140 Woodland

Constructed in 1920 and renovated in 2006, 4140 Woodland Ave primarily functioned as a campus storage facility, but also featured ground floor retail space, offices for the Facilities Department, and a student study lounge. The asset sits on a 69,696 square foot lot, boasts 193 feet of frontage along 42nd Street, and borders the Woodland Cemetery to the east.


Triangle Park

Triangle Park is 3,049 square foot corner lot located across the street from the former Science and Technology Center at Saint Joseph’s University, University City Campus. The lot was previously used as a community park for both students and locals to enjoy.

Saint Joseph's University, University City Campus 4_待售物业
Saint Joseph's University, University City Campus 4_待售物业


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