Prime House on Palm Drive, Redhill Peninsula_Immobilie zu verkaufen
Prime House on Palm Drive, Redhill Peninsula_Immobilie zu verkaufen
Tai Tam, Hong Kong Island, HK, APAC

Prime House on Palm Drive, Redhill Peninsula


Prime House in Red Hill

  • Saleable Area: Approx. 2,623 sq. ft.
  • 4 Bedrooms (2 En-suites)
  • With spacious garden, flat roof and huge garage


10.286.000 €
Gebäudefläche netto
244 m²



  • Located at traditional luxury residential area in the southern district of Hong Kong Island
  • Situated on the coast, backed by the mountains and overlooking Tai Tam Bay, offering a permanent panoramic sea view
  • Close proximity to Hong Kong International School, and a short walk to the Redhill Plaza shopping complex
  • Comprehensive clubhouse offering a wide range of entertainment facilities
  • Excellent choice of residence to who pursue high privacy and high-quality life
  • Convenient transportation, with shuttle bus service to Stanley, Shau Kei Wan and Central area

For site visit and more details, please feel free to contact JLL HK Capital Markets team:

  • James Wong 黃先生 9775 8111
  • Hilary Lau 劉小姐 2846 5838
Prime House on Palm Drive, Redhill Peninsula 4_Immobilie zu verkaufen

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Prime House on Palm Drive, Redhill Peninsula (0 Objekte)
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12. März 2024