Vasse Estate
Vasse, WA, 6280, AU
163.94 ha
JLL & Core Land as joint exclusive selling agents are proud to present for sale Point Grey South, a generational landholding only around 60 minutes south of Perth and 28 minutes from Mandurah.
As one of the largest privately owned landholdings fronting the pristine Peel-Harvey estuary, Point Grey South presents a rare opportunity to take control of a strategic development opportunity with a dynamic use profile.
Point Grey South comprises 590.8895 ha (1460.1198 acres) including circa 66 ha* of ‘Special Development’, 494 ha* of ‘Rural’, and 31 ha* of ‘Regional Open Space’ zoned land. The property also comes with the benefit of income generated by an operating cattle farm, apiary business and short-stay heritage cottage.