2.4 Ha Industrial Property For Sale in Bekasi City_판매용 부동산
2.4 Ha Industrial Property For Sale in Bekasi City_판매용 부동산
Bekasi City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, ID, APAC

2.4 Ha Industrial Property For Sale in Bekasi City

자산 설명

  • Ex Manufacturing facility that is located in the industrial zoning in Bekasi City, Approximately 30 km from Jakarta CBD and is accessible by 40 feet truck.
  • The property compound consists of 24,220 sqm of land and 10,696 sqm of building.



10,696 제곱미터
24,220 제곱미터


투자 하이라이트

  • Ideally located at the border of Jakarta, about 5 km to the eastern part of the city.
  • Plenty of access to reach the facility to Jakarta CBD and international ports.
  • 3.5 km from Bekasi's central warehouse and logistics hub of Pondok Ungu, Bekasi City.
  • Sufficient utilization of building coverage ratio, resulting in the opportunity to extend the building area in the facility.

2.4 Ha Industrial Property For Sale in Bekasi City 4_판매용 부동산
2.4 Ha Industrial Property For Sale in Bekasi City 4_판매용 부동산

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2023년 1월 19일