56.7% of Jone Mult Industrial Building, 169 Wai Yip Street_판매용 부동산
56.7% of Jone Mult Industrial Building, 169 Wai Yip Street_판매용 부동산
169 Wai Yip Street, Hong Kong, Kowloon, 1000, HK

56.7% of Jone Mult Industrial Building, 169 Wai Yip Street

자산 설명

  •   Site Area: 10,200 sq ft. or thereabout (Class “A” Site).​
  •  The Property for sale: approx. 56.70% undivided shares of the building. ​
  •   Total saleable area: 41,979 sq. ft. ​
  •  Basis of Sale: To be sold on “as-is” basis with the benefit of existing tenancies.​


건물 면적 순
3,900 제곱미터
948 제곱미터


투자 하이라이트

  • About 7 minutes walk to MTR Ngau Tau Kok Station.
  • Close to large shopping malls and sufficient surrounding facilities.
  •  Excellent location and convenient transportation, suitable for investment or self-use.
  •  Located in Kowloon East CBD2, great redevelopment value in the long run.

담당자에게 연락하기

56.7% of Jone Mult Industrial Building, 169 Wai Yip Street (0 부동산)

비슷한 부동산

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2024년 5월 16일