Map pinBarn Road, Congleton, CW12 1LB, UK

Autoliv, Congleton

Autoliv, Congleton_판매용 부동산


27,960 제곱미터
4.7 헥타르
요청 가격
남은 임대 기간
2 년
증권 시세 표시기
Grade C

자산 설명

High-Yielding Industrial Investment Opportunity, with Redevelopment and Repositioning Potential


투자 하이라이트

  • Congleton is an established commercial and residential location, situated in the heart of Cheshire, 6 miles and a c.10-minute drive from Junction 17 of the M6, providing direct access to the national motorway network.

  • Steel portal frame manufacturing facility with a minimum eaves height of 8.79m, constructed to a high specification.


  • Substantial power supply of 5.5 MVA (with the potential to increase to 8.5 MVA, subject to availability within the grid).


  • Extending to 300,955 sq ft within a self-contained site of 11.62 acres (4.70 hectares).


  • The vendor will enter into a 2-year FRI lease on the property from completion of the sale, to allow them to decommission and exit the site.


  • During the leaseback period, the tenant will pay a rent of £1,504,755 per annum reflecting £5.00 psf.

Autoliv, Congleton 4_판매용 부동산
Autoliv, Congleton 4_판매용 부동산
Autoliv, Congleton (0 부동산)

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2024년 8월 6일