14.7 Ha of Industrial Land For Sale in Suryacipta, Karawang_판매용 부동산
14.7 Ha of Industrial Land For Sale in Suryacipta, Karawang_판매용 부동산
Kawasan Industri Suryacipta Ciampel Karawang 41361 Indonesia, Karawang, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, 41361, ID

14.7 Ha of Industrial Land For Sale in Suryacipta, Karawang

자산 설명

A ready-to-build industrial land site located in Suryacipta City of Industry, Karawang Regency, West Java Province. Comes with a sizeable land size of 147,095 sqm, the property is suitable to be developed as a manufacturing plant or warehouse development. It has good access to the existing Jakarta CIkampek Toll Road at Km 54 Toll Gate as well as good access to the future South Jakarta Cikampek Toll Road. With competitive prices, the land becomes a unique opportunity to invest in an Industrial corridor in West Java. 



147,095 제곱미터


투자 하이라이트

  • Sizable industrial land in a notable industrial estate of Suryacipta City of Industry.
  • Current access from Jakarta Cikampek Toll Road, through Exit Toll Gate Karawang Timur Toll Gate km 54.
  • Accessible through MBZ Jakarta Cikampek elevated Toll Road.
  • The site is located close to the exit toll of the future South Jakarta Cikampek Toll Road, which will operate approximately in early 2024.
  • Suitable for the development of a manufacturing plant or modern logistics warehouse.

14.7 Ha of Industrial Land For Sale in Suryacipta, Karawang 4_판매용 부동산
14.7 Ha of Industrial Land For Sale in Suryacipta, Karawang 4_판매용 부동산

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14.7 Ha of Industrial Land For Sale in Suryacipta, Karawang (0 부동산)

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2024년 1월 11일