277 North 8th Street_판매용 부동산
277 North 8th Street_판매용 부동산
277 North 8th Street, New York, NY, 11211, US

277 North 8th Street

자산 설명

JLL has been exclusively retained to arrange the leasehold position for 277 N 8th Street (the “Property” or “Site”), located along N 8th Street between Meeker Ave and Havemeyer St in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The Site, with up to 44,021 ZSF, features 94.5’ of frontage on N 8th, and is situated on a 6,519 SF lot in an M1-2/R6 and M1-2/R6A zoning district. The Site is currently part of a larger tax lot that will be subdivided at closing. 277 N 8th sits in the heart of Williamsburg, one of the most

renowned, well-connected submarkets in Brooklyn.



4,170 제곱미터


투자 하이라이트

  • Unique Development Opportunity
  • Superior Demographics
  • Williamsburg Persistent Rent Growth and Low Vacancy
  • Desirable Williamsburg Neighborhood
  • Strong Brooklyn Market Activity

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2024년 6월 21일