Land at Wilson Patten Street, Warrington_판매용 부동산
Land at Wilson Patten Street, Warrington_판매용 부동산
Wilson Patten Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 1PS, UK

Land at Wilson Patten Street, Warrington

자산 설명

The subject property comprises a prominent parcel of land extending to 2.38 aces / 0.96 hectares.

The site is located in a prominent position in Warrington town centre, one of the most economically successful towns in the UK and one of the North West’s most populous conurbations.



0.96 헥타르


투자 하이라이트

The property is currently subject to a long leasehold interest at a peppercorn rent to Land and Estates Commercial Properties Limited for a term of 125 years from 25th December 1979, thereby with over 81 Years remaining.

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Land at Wilson Patten Street, Warrington (0 부동산)

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