44/F Office Tower Convention Plaza_판매용 부동산
44/F Office Tower Convention Plaza_판매용 부동산
1 Harbour Road, Hong Kong

44/F Office Tower Convention Plaza

자산 설명

Convention Plaza - Office Tower is a Grade A office building located in Wan Chai. There are 39 floors and the Property is at 44th floor in the high zone of the building.





투자 하이라이트

  • Rare high-zone whole floor of Convention Plaza Office Tower available for sale for the first time in 33 years
  • Stunning panoramic views of Victoria Harbour and Hong Kong’s skyline ; Enhances prestige of corporates
  • Highly flexible in layout, suiting the needs of ​whole-floor occupiers or corporates requiring sub-divided office spaces
  • Strategically located in core Wan Chai ; Approx. 5 minutes’ walk from Wan Chai and Exhibition Centre MTR stations and easy accessible to multiple public transport options
  • Available for immediate occupation and perfect for self-use end-users seeking a quick transition into new office premises

담당자에게 연락하기

44/F Office Tower Convention Plaza (0 부동산)

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2024년 10월 31일