7 Lochside View - Edinburgh Park_판매용 부동산
7 Lochside View - Edinburgh Park_판매용 부동산
Lochside View 7, Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, EH12 9DH, UK

7 Lochside View - Edinburgh Park

자산 설명

  • Edinburgh is the historic, administrative and financial capital of Scotland and one of the most prosperous cities in the UK.
  • Edinburgh Park is widely acknowledged as Scotland's premier business park and is home to a number of bluechip occupiers including HSBC, JP Morgan and Diageo.
  • Strategically located 5 miles west of Edinburgh City Centre and 2 miles east of Edinburgh Airport.
  • 7 Lochside View is the most prominent office building on Edinburgh Park and is highly visible from the Gogarburn Interchange.
  • Modern, Grade A office building constructed in 2002 extending to 60,167 sq ft over ground and two upper levels.
  • There are 239 designated car parking spaces (1:268 sq ft).
  • High quality double height spacious reception incorporating limestone floor tiles, a mixture of glazed curtain walling and ornamental polished plaster wall finishes.
  • VRV system providing heating/cooling to the office accommodation.


요청 가격
건물 면적 순
5,590 제곱미터
2 년
증권 시세 표시기
Grade A


투자 하이라이트

  • The building has a strong letting history and is currently let to Origo Services Ltd and WSP UK Ltd.
  • Current passing rent of £394,939 per annum.
  • WAULT of 5.61 years to expiries and 2 years to breaks.
  • Outstanding opportunity to refurbish the building to improve the ESG credentials and capitalise on the current high levels of occupier demand for West Edinburgh.
  • Opportunity to improve the income profile of the asset through effective asset management.
  • EPC Rating of A (8).
  • Heritable Tenure (Scottish Equivalent of English Freehold). We are instructed to seek offers in excess of £7,000,000 (Seven Million Pounds Sterling) for our client’s heritable interest in the property, subject to contract and exclusive of VAT. A purchase at this level would produce a net initial yield of 10.60% on the current income and a capital rate of £85.66 per sq ft on the vacant space, assuming purchasers costs of 6.64%.
7 Lochside View - Edinburgh Park 4_판매용 부동산
7 Lochside View - Edinburgh Park 4_판매용 부동산

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