Rogue Valley Mall - Sale_판매용 부동산
Rogue Valley Mall - Sale_판매용 부동산
1600 N Riverside Ave, Medford, OR, 97501-4652, US

Rogue Valley Mall - Sale

자산 설명

Rogue Valley Mall (the “Property” or “Mall”) is a two-level, regional mall located at 1600 N Riverside Ave, Medford, Oregon and situated on approximately 50.5 acres, 36.6 of which are owned. The Mall enjoys a highly accessible location along Interstate-5 (~42,700 VPD), the main north–south Interstate Highway on the West Coast of the United States, and an extensive trade area with the next nearest enclosed mall more than 150 miles to the south. The Property consists of approximately 644,332 square feet of gross leasable area (“GLA”) and includes anchors Macy’s (104,409 SF; Non-Owned), JCPenney (86,145 SF; Owned), Macy’s Backstage (84,480 SF; Owned), and Kohl’s (81,950 SF; Non-Owned).



건물 면적 순
59,860 제곱미터
리노베이션 년도
토지 면적 순
20.44 헥타르


투자 하이라이트

  • Durable NOI
  • Healthy Occupancy Costs
  • Limited Direct Competition
  • Excellent Location / Access
  • Sales Tax Free State 
  • Large National Retailer Presence in Medford
  • Strong Demand Drivers
  • Attractive Box Repositioning
  • Additional Upside Potential

Rogue Valley Mall - Sale 4_판매용 부동산
Rogue Valley Mall - Sale 4_판매용 부동산

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2024년 9월 26일