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Missouri HAP Portfolio

Missouri HAP Portfolio_Pand te koop


Aantal eenheden
Netto gebouwoppervlakte
10.852 vierkante meter

Portefeuille beschrijving

Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. (“JLL”) is pleased to exclusively offer for sale the Missouri HAP Portfolio. The Portfolio is comprised of four properties (Pioneer House, North Valley Townhomes, Princeton Manor, Oakwood Terrace) totaling 183 units. The Properties all benefit from HAP contracts on 100% of units and Princeton Manor & Oakwood Terrace are encumbered by a LIHTC LURA on 100% of units. An Investor will benefit from the Properties’ stable operations provided by the HAP contract and amplified by the lack of multi-family competitors in these Missouri markets.



  • HAP Contract Provides Stable Operations
  • Limited Rental Housing Supply Increases Demand
  • Attractive Senior Assets
  • Located in Premium Kansas City MSA (Pioneer House)
Missouri HAP Portfolio 4_Pand te koop
Missouri HAP Portfolio 4_Pand te koop
Missouri HAP Portfolio (4 Eigendommen)
Missouri HAP Portfolio (4 Eigendommen)

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Laatst bijgewerkt
6 feb 2025