Map pinStreator, IL, US, Americas

Schmitt Meadows Apartments

Schmitt Meadows Apartments_Pand te koop


Aantal eenheden
Verhuurbare oppervlakte
6.242 vierkante meter
Bruto landoppervlakte
12,54 ha

Portefeuille beschrijving

Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. (“JLL”) is pleased to exclusively offer for sale Schmitt Meadows I & II, a 104-unit, 100% LIHTC property in Streator, IL. Additionally, the offering is a Senior LIHTC property, which adds stability to operations through reduced turnover and management costs. The Property is currently 100% occupied and the average tenant tenure is eight years. The Offering also presents investors with the opportunity to assume an existing loan held by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, thereby benefitting from a low overall cost of capital.



  • Stable, Bond-Like Cash Flow & Lack of Affordability
  • Attractive Senior Asset
  • Accretive Existing Debt
  • Limited Supply & Strong Market Fundamentals
Schmitt Meadows Apartments 4_Pand te koop
Schmitt Meadows Apartments 4_Pand te koop
Schmitt Meadows Apartments (2 Eigendommen)
Schmitt Meadows Apartments (2 Eigendommen)

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Laatst bijgewerkt
26 sep 2024