54 Willis Way, Poole_Pand te koop
54 Willis Way, Poole_Pand te koop
54 Willis Way, Poole, DORSET, BH15 3SY, UK

54 Willis Way, Poole


The property comprises a steel portal framed unit with a rectangular floorplate, built in the early 2000's. The asset is an open plan ground floor of approximately 13,169 sq ft and a first floor of approximately 5,005 sq ft accessed via a central staircase and lift.

The property has been fitted out as a gym utilising the open plan ground floor as an exercise / free weights area with separate toilets and changing rooms. The first floor level has been fitted out to provide a group exercise studio, spin studio and spa area.

Access to the building is provided via an entrance fronting the eastern elevation. The property benefits from a car park providing approximately 117 spaces.

There is an adjoining office building on the eastern elevation which is owner occupied.



€ 2.941.000
Bruto gebouwoppervlakte
1.688 vierkante meter
14.45 jaren



  • Poole is an affluent costal town and a major commercial port
  • The property is located in the heart of Poole's trade and retail warehousing district
  • The property extends to 18,174 sq ft (1,688.39 sq m) GIA
  • 1.33 acres (0.54 hectares) site reflecting a site coverage of 31% on ground floor footprint
  • Freehold
  • Let to YMCA Bournemouth on a new lease of 15 years from 2 September 2023
  • The lease is reviewed 5 yearly on an RPI basis which is capped at 4% and collared at 2% per annum
  • Tenant option to break on the 10th anniversary, 1 September 2033
  • Current passing rent of £202,000 per annum reflecting £11.11 per sq ft

We are instructed to seek offers in excess of £2,450,000 (Two Million Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds) subject to contract and exclusive of VAT, reflecting a Net Initial Yield of 7.75% (assuming purchaser's costs of 6.37%)

54 Willis Way, Poole 4_Pand te koop
54 Willis Way, Poole 4_Pand te koop

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54 Willis Way, Poole (0 Eigendommen)

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14 nov 2024