2900 K St NW
2900 K St NW, Washington, DC, 20007-5105, US
Jones Lang LaSalle ("JLL") has been retained on an exclusive basis by the Seller to arrange the sale of a $112 million non-performing office loan (the "Loan" or "Note"). The Loan is secured by the first priority deed of trust on the fee-simple interest in a class A office property in Washington, D.C. (the "Property" or "Collateral"). In October 2024, the Loan went non-performing as a result of maturity default. The Collateral is comprised of a 10-story office building prominently located a block and a half from the White house in the heart of Washington, DC's East End - one of the most sought-after submarkets in the nation's capital. The property is 62% occupied with multiple investment grade tenants with a WALT of 2.5 years (as of June 2025). The offering presents investors the opportunity to buy a non-performing Loan at a favorable basis, significantly below replacement costs, with a potential path to ownership.