0.9 Ha Industrial Land in Jababeka XVI_판매용 부동산
0.9 Ha Industrial Land in Jababeka XVI_판매용 부동산
Jl. Jababeka XVI, Bekasi Regency, 17530, ID

0.9 Ha Industrial Land in Jababeka XVI

자산 설명

Industrial land located in Jababeka industrial estate, owned by a high - profile Europian company. One of the industrial estates closest to Jakarta and the international ports. It is accessible via the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road and is situated just 14 minutes from the West Cikarang toll gate. This makes it an ideal location for owner-occupiers and manufacturing facilities.



9,317 제곱미터
지역 구분


투자 하이라이트

  • A vacant industrial land owned by a high-profile European company.
  • Strategically situated in front of the main road of Jababeka XVI where many notable manufacturing plants are located.
  • Reachable within 14 minutes from the nearest toll gate of West Cikarang.
  • Logistically benefited from its proximity to the Cikarang Dry Port which only takes 8 minutes' drive.
  • Provides a convenient route network via Jakarta Inner and Outer Ring Road. 

0.9 Ha Industrial Land in Jababeka XVI 4_판매용 부동산
0.9 Ha Industrial Land in Jababeka XVI 4_판매용 부동산

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2024년 10월 4일