705 King Street West_판매용 부동산
705 King Street West_판매용 부동산
705 King Street West, Toronto, ON, M5V 2W8, CA

705 King Street West

자산 설명

Jones Lang LaSalle Real Estate Services, Inc. (“JLL” or the “Advisor”) is pleased to offer for sale a 100% freehold interest in a high exposure retail condominium unit located at 705 King Street West, Toronto (the “Property”). The Property is comprised 3,291 square feet (“SF”) of leasable area, offering 131 feet (“FT”) of highly coveted King Street West frontage and a large wide patio area just steps from the intersection of King Street West & Bathurst Street. Currently owner-occupied, the Property will be vacant upon closing, creating an attractive opportunity for a variety of businesses in a highly sought-after commercial node of Downtown Toronto. The Property’s prime urban setting provides optimal visibility for signage and branding. It boasts direct access to TTC streetcars on the 504 and 511 lines, and sits just ~100 metres from the future King/Bathurst Ontario Line Station. The area surrounding 705 King Street West is currently undergoing rapid intensification, with seven active projects totaling more than 1,800 units. Additionally, the Property benefits from high foot traffic, with a daytime population of more than 400,000 people within a 1 KM radius. As a result, the asset is in a prime position to benefit from ongoing intensification efforts and should experience strong rental growth for years to come.



건물 면적 순
306 제곱미터
지역 구분
MCR (t3.0;c1.0;r2.5)
요청 가격


투자 하이라이트

  • Excellent visibility and exposure with 131 FT of frontage and large patio space
  • Strong consumer base with internal entrances to the adjoining condominium complex, offering ease of access to over 700 units
  • Transit-oriented with regular TTC streetcar. service and future Ontario Line Station

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705 King Street West (0 부동산)

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마지막 업데이트
2024년 10월 17일